Although the song is entitled, ‘He Came Down to my Level,’ it doesn’t suggest that God actually comes down to our level at all. The words, “With a strong arm He lifted me up,” are allegoric in nature with the author trying to paint a word picture we can understand. When and/or if we so desire, God sends His Holy Spirit down to lift us up; HE doesn’t come down at all. The words, “He lifted me up,” suggests that after God’s Holy Spirit, has lifted us up, we are to live on a higher level than we previously had. In visiting various churches I’ve witnessed some curious forms of ‘worship’ and sometimes come away wondering just who these people have come to worship. Even though we may have just sung, “Our God is an Awesome God,” are we even a tiny bit aware of just how awesome He really is?
Continuing on; “Who has held the dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the scales and the hills in a balance?” Can you conjure up an image of God picking up mountain ranges between His thumb and forefinger and then putting them down in whatever place He chooses? The largest mountain range, at 4500 miles, is the Andes in South America.
28: “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will NOT grow tired or weary, and His understanding NO ONE can fathom.”
Now do you have a little better understanding or at least a better picture of how BIG and POWERFUL God actually is? And yet…... and yet…... look at verse 11: “He tends His flock, (that’s us), like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs, (that’s us), in His arms and carries them, (us), close to His heart; He gently leads those that have young.”
Referring again to verse 28: Do you not know? Have you not heard? Our God is an Awesome God! Nothing is impossible for Him; He can take nothing and make something. But as BIG and POWERFUL as He is, He is also GENTLE, and will carry us close to His heart; if we want Him to.