Having such a long list of don’ts and such a short list of dos, you may think we had little to do while growing up, but such was not the case. We were kept busy role playing; trying to act perfect 24/7 can be exhausting! As a PK, I had the ‘advantage’ of seeing the Pentecostal world from the inside out, and I can testify to the fact that it was, and most likely still is, a hot bed of dysfunction and hypocrisy.
Of course it would be unfair to infer that all hypocrites come only from the Pentecostal movement; all religions have them. It just seems that percentage-wise, the Pentecostals win, hands down. The god I was raised to fear was the Boogie Man, not a loving Father. I somehow survived my over protected childhood, then fell flat on my face in the ‘real world;’ God’s grace found me in the muck and mire and lifted me up. Yet, since it was all I’ve ever known, I returned to the Pentecostal movement where, I’m ashamed to admit, I raised my own children. After my father’s sudden death caused me to face the hypocrisy of the belief system I’d been raised in, my Heavenly Father, in an all-out act of love and mercy, connected my brain to my heart, and life has never been the same for me or my family.
One day while pondering some particular hypocrisies I’d been raised with, I became emotionally frustrated. And since deep emotions tend to engage me poetically and even though I’d never been exposed to what can properly be labeled ‘rap,’ the following work was born. In giving birth to each of our children, I had no idea what they would look like until they were born. Poetry is much the same as childbirth; a thought is conceived and the poet is never sure what that thought will look like until it is finished. Surprisingly, this thought was born with a ‘rap’ rhythm; the first one of its kind in my family of poems. As you read it, please see the black print as statements from up-tight, self-righteous, ‘religious’ adults, (not to be confused with Christian adults); the print with color are statements from our youth who are leaning hypocrisy from us.
"What's the matter with these kids today?
They don't listen to a word we say!
You must be honest, you must be good,
You must follow God's rules, is this understood?"
I went shoppin' with my dad one day,
I was right there when he had to pay.
He counted his change, a smile played with his face,
She gave him back too much, he said, "I like this place!"
"You must be pure, you must be good,
You must follow God's rules, is this understood?"
Dad rented a movie, Mom popped some corn,
He started the flick, I got forlorn.
There was so much skin I was gettin' a chill,
They didn't seem to care that it was makin' me ill.
"You must show love, you must be good,
You must follow God's rules, is this understood?"
We got new neighbors, their color is black,
I thought my folks were gonna have a heart attack.
They put our house up for sale then acted real blue,
I thought to myself, "Is that what Jesus would do?"
It’s only talk, it’s only talk,
We can’t hear what you say, we’re watchin’ you walk.
"You must not lie, you must be good,
You must follow God's rules, is this understood?"
My mom got a call just yesterday,
Her golf pal wondered, did she want to play?
Ma called her boss, and while sounding real hoarse,
She said she was sick, He said, "Stay home, of course!"
"You must be kind, you must be good,
You must follow God's rules, is this understood?"
Monday night there was a knock on the door,
They were collectin’ for a family in our church who is poor.
As soon as they left Mom said with distaste,
"Now we’ll never get rid of ‘em and they’re so out of place!"
"You must not kill, you must be good,
You must follow God's rules, is this understood?"
"Let's talk about the birds, let's talk about the bees,
We know you're a "good girl" but if you please,
You could loose control, get into a fix,
It happens all the time, but there's RU486."
It's only talk, it's only talk,
We can't hear what you say, we're watchin' you walk.
"You mustn’t be deceitful, you must be good,
You must follow God's rules, is this understood?"
Dad just called, said he'll be home late,
He said Mom shouldn't worry 'bout settin’ his plate,
Business was so good it got kinda hairy,
He has to check all the figures with his secretary.
"You must not gossip, you must be good,
You must follow God's rules, is this understood?"
Every Wednesday, in the middle of the day,
Several women from our church get together to pray.
Without "prayer requests" there'd be no “news”,
(No wonder there're some empty spaces in our pews.)
It's only talk, it's only talk,
We can't hear what you say, we're watchin' you walk.
©CAB Hampton
In closing let me be clear about something: Do I expect to see some Pentecostal Christians in Heaven? Absolutely! The scriptures tell us we'll be judged upon our knowledge, and I truly believe this movement is big on emotions while actual knowledge of the scriptures is, sadly, lacking. (Makes it easier to manipulate the flock, too.)
Do I expect to see any of the Pentecostal leaders in Heaven? Hmm, that's a tough one, as I DO believe that so many of them, especially of the Televangelist variety, DO know what they're doing. They live in perverted opulence while many of their followers and supporters live in abject poverty. Since the scriptures tell us to give away one coat if we have two, how can they justify living such luxurious lifestyles? Mother Teresa I expect to see in Heaven. Benny Hinn and some of his cohorts? Not so much. But since I can't understand how God could have mercy on ME, and allow ME the grace He does, ANYTHING is possible.
*NOTE* Below I have listed a few 'favorites.' If you read nothing else, please read Monte E. Wilson, at least once! This man has SO much to say and says it in such an interesting way. Enjoy!