It's that time of year again.......time for The Iowa State Fair. They say it's the best one in the country, but since I haven't been to all of them, I can't say for sure. I must confess, I'd rather watch grass grow than to attend the state fair, yet I'm very aware I'm the exception, not the rule. It's always hot & humid with crowds of rude people dragging around squalling children who eat too much, vomit on the sidewalks, cry to go home but have to stay and suffer through it until their selfish parents are ready to call it a day. In years past I've even witnessed parents bringing out babies who were only days old.
Rest assured, my cynicism and intolerance isn't due to old age; I've harbored an intense dislike for the state fair since I was young. You always leave feeling dirty, sick to your stomach and totally ripped off. (Kinda like shopping at WalMart on a weekend.)
Looking down the main concourse
And the food........OMG, I swear most people just attend the fair to stuff their faces. They start eating from the time they past the first vendor until they waddle past the last one of the day.
It's my opinion that the only fairs that are still what they were meant to be are county fairs. That's where you can mingle with real folks and can still admire local talent. But this post is about the state fair, so today I'll show you a few pictures of Iowa's obsession with food.
Pork Chop on a Stick
But if one is good, isn't two better???
Pineapple on a Stick (Really!)
Ahhhhhh, okay, I think we used to call it a 'drumstick.'
Eating Corn dogs and apparently enjoying them
More people eating more Corn dogs
Farmer's delight - Corn dog with Lemonade and essence of dirty handkerchief
Greasy Onion Rings with ?
Don't ask; don't tell
Cheese Curds; one second on the lips, forever on the hips
In comparison to the rest, this meal almost looks healthy
Straight from Italy to Diddly
Kraut, Onions and Tube Steaks
Getting Mini Cinnamon Rolls ready for the crowd
Pickin' and no grinnin'
Still no grinnin with the pickin'
This looks like a little more fun
Our very own Shawn butter
And no Iowa State Fair is complete without the Butter Cow
Next post I'll try to be nicer and show you some fun and talent connected with our Great State Fair. The fair motto this year is very original; "You Gotta Love it." Wanna bet???
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